Research Topics
We are currently working on various topics in machine/deep learning, including but not limited to the followings. A common feature among them is toward developing generic learning and inference algorithms having data/computation efficiency and broad usages, e.g., in computer vision and natural language processing.
Machine/Deep Learning (current)
vision-language models (NeurIPS2023a, CVPR2023c, CVPR2023e, NeurIPS2023e, NeurIPS2023h, ICLR2024a, CVPR2024b, ICLR2024b, ICLR2024c, NeurIPS2024d)
variational approximate inference for graphical models (AISTATS2018, ICML2018, ICML2019b)
uncertainty/novelty estimation (ICML2017b, CVPR2018, ICLR2018, NeurIPS2018b, ICML2019e, CVPR2020a, ICLR2020b, NeurIPS2020c, AAAI2021a, ECCV2022b, CVPR2023d, CVPR2023e, ICLR2023e, ICLR2023f, ICLR2024c, ICLR2024d)
tabular learning (ICLR2023c, COLM2024, NeurIPS2024b)
spatial-temporal models (ECCV2022a, ICLR2022a, ICML2022a, CVPR2023a, ICLR2024a, NeurIPS2024f, CVPR2025c)
semi-supervised learning (NeurIPS2020h, ICLR2022b, NeurIPS2023a, ICLR2023e)
self-supervised and contrastive learning (NeurIPS2020c, ICML2020d, NeurIPS2020g, NeurIPS2020j, ICCV2021, IJCAI2021, ICLR2021e, NeurIPS2021f, NeurIPS2021g, CVPR2022a, ICML2022a, CVPR2022b, ECCV2022b, CVPR2022c, ICML2022c, NeurIPS2022d, ICML2023b, CVPR2023c, ICLR2023c, ICLR2023d, NeurIPS2023d, ICLR2023f, NeurIPS2023g, ICML2024a, CVPR2025a, ICLR2025a)
safe artificial intelligence (ECCV2024a, EMNLP2024a, NeurIPS2024c, CVPR2025e, ICLR2025e)
robotics (CoRL2021, ICML2023b, ICML2024a, ICLR2025c)
reinforcement learning (ICLR2020b, ICML2020b, ICML2020c, NeurIPS2020d, NeurIPS2020f, CoRL2021, ICML2021a, ICML2021b, NeurIPS2021c, ICLR2021d, NeurIPS2021d, CoRL2022, ICLR2022b, ICML2022b, ICLR2022c, ICML2022d, ICLR2023a, ICLR2023b, ICML2023b, NeurIPS2023b, NeurIPS2023e, ICLR2025c)
rapid mixing markov chain monte carlo (SIGMETRICS2010a, AISTATS2017)
physics-informed machine learning (NeurIPS2020b)
neural fields (NeurIPS2021a, ICLR2022a, NeurIPS2022b, ICML2023a, NeurIPS2023c, ICLR2024b, CVPR2025c)
meta learning (SenSys2019, ICML2019d, ICML2020d, NeurIPS2020g, NeurIPS2021a, NeurIPS2022c, ICML2023a, ICLR2023c, NeurIPS2023c, ICLR2023d, NeurIPS2023g, NeurIPS2024a, ICML2024c)
machine learning for drug discovery (NeurIPS2020d, IJCAI2021, AAAI2021b, ICML2021b, ICASSP2023, ICML2024b, NeurIPS2024e)
machine learning for computing and networked systems (OSDI2018, SIGMETRICS2018, SenSys2019, NSDI2021)
light-weight neural architectures (ICML2019a, ICLR2020a, ICML2020e, NeurIPS2021a, ICLR2021c, ECCV2022a, CVPR2022b, ICML2023a, NeurIPS2023d, ICML2024c)
learning theory (SIGMETRICS2018, NeurIPS2020a, COLT2021, ICLR2021a)
large-scale spectral functions (ICML2015, SISC2017, ICML2017a, NeurIPS2018a, AISTATS2020, ICML2020a, NeurIPS2021e)
large language models (COLM2024, EMNLP2024a, NeurIPS2024a, EMNLP2024b, NeurIPS2024b, NeurIPS2024c, ICLR2024e, ICLR2024f, TMLR2025, ICLR2025d, ICLR2025f)
generative adversarial networks (ICLR2018, ICLR2019, NeurIPS2019, ICLR2021b, ICLR2022a, CVPR2022c)
fairness and bias in machine learning (CVPR2020b, NeurIPS2020h, NeurIPS2020i, ICLR2022e, TMLR2023, CVPR2023b, CVPR2024b)
face recognition (ACCV2020)
ensemble learning and mixture of experts (ICML2017b, NeurIPS2018c, ICML2020d, NeurIPS2020f)
domain generalization and adaptation (NeurIPS2019, ICLR2020b, ICML2020b, CVPR2021, NeurIPS2021b, CVPR2023d)
diffusion models (CVPR2023a, NeurIPS2023f, NeurIPS2023h, NeurIPS2023i, ICLR2024a, ECCV2024b, ICLR2024b, TMLR2024b, ECCV2024c, ICLR2024c, NeurIPS2024d, NeurIPS2024e, AAAI2025, ICLR2025a, CVPR2025b, CVPR2025d, CVPR2025e, ICLR2025e)
data augmentation and synthesis (ICLR2019, CVPR2020b, NeurIPS2020c, ICML2020d, ICLR2021b, AAAI2022b, ICLR2022b, ICLR2022d, CVPR2023b, ICML2023c, ICLR2025b)
crowdsourcing and noisy labels (AISTATS2019, ICML2019c, ICML2023c)
continual/transfer learning and knowledge distillation (NeurIPS2018b, CVPR2019, ICCV2019, ICML2019d, CVPR2020a, ICML2020d, ICCV2021, NeurIPS2022a, ICML2022d, NeurIPS2024a)
computational imaging (CVPR2024a)
combinatorial optimization (SIDMA2011, BigData2015, UAI2015, SIDMA2017, ICML2020c)
ai-based plagiarism (NeurIPS2024c)
ai agents (ICLR2025d)
adversarial robustness (NeurIPS2018b, ICML2019e, CVPR2020b, ICML2020e, NeurIPS2020e, NeurIPS2020j, ICML2021c, NeurIPS2021h, AAAI2022a, EMNLP2023, SaTML2023, AAAI2023b, CVPR2023d, NeurIPS2023f, ACCESS2024, ECCV2024b, TMLR2024b)
Applied Probability on Networks (past)
communication networks (SIGMETRICS2009, TIT2010a, SIGMETRICS2010b, FOCS2011a, AAP2012, MOR2013, TIT2015, INFOCOM2016, TON2016a, TON2016b, MOR2017, TWC2018)
social networks (SIGMETRICS2010a, INFOCOM2015, TON2016c, INFOCOM2017a, S&P2019)