
Current Members

PhD (or MS+PhD) Students

MS Students


  • Yeji Lee (



  • Jaehyung Kim (PhD 2024), Postdoctoral Fellow@Carnegie Mellon University (hoted by Yiming Yang)

  • Jongheon Jeong (PhD 2024), Assistant Professor@Korea University

  • Sangwoo Mo (PhD 2023), Postdoctoral Fellow@University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (hosted by Stella X. Yu)

  • Sukmin Yun (PhD 2023), Postdoctoral Fellow@Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (hosted by Eric Xing) \(\to\) Assistant Professor@Hanyang University ERICA

  • Hankook Lee (PhD 2022), LG AI Research \(\to\) Assistant Professor@Sungkyunkwan University

  • Jaeho Lee (Postdoc 2019-2022), Assistant Professor@POSTECH

  • Insu Han (PhD 2021), Postdoctoral fellow@Yale University (hosted by Amin Karbasi) \(\to\) Assistant Professor@KAIST (starting from Fall 2024)

  • Sungsoo Ahn (PhD 2021), Postdoctoral Fellow@Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (hosted by Le Song) \(\to\) Assistant Professor@POSTECH

  • Sejun Park (PhD 2020), Postdoctoral Fellow@Vector Institute (hosted by Murat Erdogdu) \(\to\) Assistant Professor@Korea University

  • Kimin Lee (PhD 2020), Postdoctoral fellow@UC Berkeley (hosted by Pieter Abbeel) \(\to\) Google Research \(\to\) Assistant Professor@KAIST

  • Tae-Hyun Oh (PhD 2017, co-advised by In So Kweon), Postdoctoral Fellow@MIT (hosted by Wojciech Matusik) \(\to\) Facebook AI Research \(\to\) Associate Professor@POSTECH

  • Hyeryung Jang (PhD 2017, co-advised by Yung Yi), Postdoctoral Fellow@King's College London (hosted by Osvaldo Simeone) \(\to\) Assistant Professor@Dongguk University

  • Jungseul Ok (PhD 2016, co-advised by Yung Yi), Postdoctoral Fellow@KTH (hosted by Alexandre Proutiere) \(\to\) Postdoctoral Fellow@University of Washington (hosted by Sewoong Oh) \(\to\) Associate Professor@POSTECH


  • Kyunghwan Son (PhD 2024, co-advised by Yung Yi)

  • Minkyu Kim (MS 2023)

  • Younggyo Seo (PhD 2023), Dyson Robot Learning Lab, London

  • Junhyun Nam (PhD 2022), Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology

  • Hyunwoo Kang (MS 2022), KLleon

  • Chaewon Kim (MS 2022), KLleon

  • Seunghyun Lee (MS 2021), Riiid

  • Hyuntak Cha (MS 2021), Branch and Bound

  • Seungjoon Moon (MS 2020), KLleon

  • Donggyu Lee (MS 2018), LG

  • Kwihyuk Jin (MS 2017), Qualcomm USA

  • Donggyu Yun (PhD 2016, co-advised by Yung Yi), NAVER

  • Sanghyuk Chun (MS 2016), KAKAO \(\to\) NAVER CLOVA AI Research